How to Innovate in a New Domain
We are often given the task of coming up with innovations in a totally new area. The toughest part of this challenge is identifying the key problems. Finding solutions is the easier part of the journey.
Why is it difficult to spot problems?
Because we don't understand the new domain. We haven't experienced it. Diving into innovation exercises with a superficial understanding is futile. It’s like running a marathon 1 week after your first-ever 5k. You'll likely break something and give up on running - or that domain - altogether.
How do we approach new domains?
By a thoughtful immersion. Start with a broad overview. Learn from folks who have some familiarity. Watch YouTube videos where people describe the new world. Conversations work better if you can connect with some expert.
What's next?
Summarise your understanding. Create mind maps. Use flowcharts. Once ready, talk to your team. Get their views. Their might be questions or concerns or excitement.
Use this new information to augment your system map.
Again the fundamental question - How do we innovate?
By this point, you should have noted some interesting areas to dive further. Discuss those with your team. Props can help here. You can use colorful goggles to innovate for the VR wold. Movie clips or pics that show some aspects are helpful.
Once your team "gets" the domain, you'll start noticing WHAT IF and HOW ABOUT questions.
These are the key problems to address!
Solve them and you, my friend, have innovated in a new domain.
That's it for today.
Happy ideating!